You’ve CRUSHED Q1 2024. Good Job. This Is The Plan You’ve Used To DOMINATE Q2, 2024.

Zander Widjaja
9 min readApr 23, 2024

THIS ARTICLE IS NOT ‘MEANT’ FOR YOU. I aim to coach ONE person. Myself. YOU ARE NOT MY MARKET. (ALL Sensitive Details Redacted.) Take it as ‘puzzle’, find your own path. COPY WITH CAUTION.

Have Relentless Energy Like The Ocean, Let The Universe Consciously Create & Flow Powerfully & Fearfully Through You. VISUALIZE IMMERSION.
Q1 was great.
breakthrough month, better than all the past 5 years combined. It’s a refreshing journey.

You got your teeth kicked in for the past 4 years. You walked into the layer cake, you took some shit, you ate more shit… and now, you’re smelling just a grasp of the rarefied ‘shitless’ air…

It doesn’t smell as shitty anymore.

Rather it’s quite refreshing.

Here are some things that you’ve done well over the past 90 days.

  1. You’ve lived from the place of achieving your goals — actively, and you’ve done the right things to improve yourself.
  2. You’ve taken personal development seriously, and you’ve looked at the mirror more times than you can count, and you’ve learned to 做人. As your good friend would once say.
  3. You’ve made a decision to purify yourself, from all the bad habits that have kept you stuck at previous levels. You’ve amplified your levels of discipline, you’ve clearly defined what you desire, and you’ve made sure that you’re taking care of your emotional health.

Most importantly, what you’ve discovered… is that status, respect, and the adoration of being at the top — with people that you idolise, might not be ideal.

You’ve gotten to know the people at the top… and many times, they are rather disappointing.

You’ve realized that they too are human…

You’ve realized that no one is ‘free’ from the petty trivialities of life… and that the hype is NOT real, and that even if it was…

It doesn’t matter, because you’d just be even MORE lost if you got everything, after following the hype train.

You’d be eaten alive by monsters, predators, and you’d be a sitting duck — with a wad of cash, and bloodsuckers around you. Cynical but true.

What’s the solution?

Figure out who your market really is. Figure out who you’re really serving. Who is actually important. It’s only a handful, and treat them like kings, and queens. That’s all you really need to do, to live a good life.

Figure out what YOU want.

This is across the board for your life; work, relationships, fitness…

A few, carefully and consciously chosen goals, loved ones, friends, and markets — will serve you more, than any fame, love, and adoration than the HYPE calls for.

Be mindful, seek the source of your desires… and answer them truly. Be mindful, not to answer them through proxy measures. Do not fall prey, to proxy measures. Pay attention to source, the direct access to creativity, your true soul — that voice within you that is nuanced, thoughtful, intentional, and verbose.

This is your TRUE voice. It’s the one that you’ve had in college, it’s the one that you’ve talked to yourself.

Wear the mask for work — but don’t wear it in your own conversations with yourself. Authenticity, to the ‘world’ is overrated. Authenticity, to yourself — is KING.


A lot of things in your life, can be solved simply with attention. Most of the time, you don’t even need to take action on the problems that you face. If you have to ‘take action’, it’s most likely the ‘wrong action’.

The action should ‘sieze’ you. It should grab you by the throat. As it’s the most blindingly CLEAR option to move forward and to advance.


How to get there?

Let the mud clear. Be still. Sit in the problem. Ponder it. Allow the emotions, to give you the truth, and the universal message that it’s awaiting to give you…

In each moment of pain — there is a moment of transcendance awaiting you.

This is the urge to power. The urge to wisdom. The urge to understanding.

Entrepreneurship — is a game of emotions, of your own.. and as a result, of others later. As within, so without. So without, as within.

The solution — to 99.99% of your problems, lie in you confronting emotional pain head on… allowing it to electrify you, purify you… and seeing what the real problem is, at the end of it all…

Allowing you to find deep, crystalline clarity that’s hard earned and unique to you.

Trust yourself to know the path. There is always, only — one action forward. Let the path illuminate itself for you.

You do what you can, with what you have, right now — and you live from the place of being proactive, and exercising the will.

The will to remain in the seat of control. To not allow yourself to doomscroll.

DOOMSCROLLING, is burning CASH from your business, faster than ANYTHING else you could ever imagine.

YOU LOSE -$10,000/ HOUR from your future, now and past from doomscrolling.

MORE than all the vices in the world combined.

It is despair, hopelessness — and the giving in of the helplessness, that the media sells you… to sell you their narrative, to sell you their solution, to make you a sucker… that allows them to LEECH of your precious soul, and energy… telling you that nothing is possible.

Be on the otherside of this equation. Maybe advance humanity, and do good later. Keep your eyes ‘colored’ with the shades of your goal.

Not on the prize, but COLORED by it.

Key skills to sharpen, refine, and maximise for Q2:


It is FOOLS that are not able to move as fast as you — maybe not. Maybe, your skills — can only be used in a specific market. Now that you’ve found your place, sharpen hone AND MASTER the art of product and service design.

Fuck the normies, that talk about the ‘offer’ and making it stupidly ‘clear’ and ‘no-brainer’, you work better academically, use the right term.

Fuck talking like a 5-year old. I talk like an adult. I talk in a way that the version of myself yesterday understands…

Let’s go. I want you to develop these skills.

Service & Product Design.

  • What is the user-experience that you’d like to provide?
  • What is a condusive digital environment for change, and actualisation of change?
  • What are the key realizations that need to be ‘made’ for the end customer to make the switch?
  • What are some biases that you can exploit in your offer design? What are some things that make people ‘break’ and lose their logical thinking?
  • How can you incorporate that… to make people illogically, do the thing that can help them to achieve their goals the most?

2. Wealth Management & Financial Security

The ability to create wealth, is a very different skill — compared to the ability to preserve wealth.


Gary Halbert — blew 11 million dollars, in ONE Year.

Human stupdity knows no limits. And so does human wisdom.

99% of people, will make mistakes — this includes the people that you love. Think independently, and make wise choices, after working through the full emotional state of pain and pleasure, joy and expectation.

Stillness is key. Followed by walking the blindingly obvious path.

3. Mindfulness of Posturing & Status Games:

Hear the siren calls of the wealthy and rich. Know that there are games that are being played. Know that people are looking to flaunt, looking to impress, looking to rise in social status…

And as a result — after sucking your admiration, your precious ‘energy’… they will ask for favours, they will ask for your wealth, they will ask for you to serve them…

So that you can become like them. Yes. They may serve you. Or they may not. Be mindful of the energetic exchange. See the truth, of what you are seeking, and be clear in the visions that you have for yourself, and if LARP-ers, will help you with their offers… or whether your visions are even aligned.

Doesn’t matter if they’re larping. Most importantly — do your interests align? That is the real question.

Sit on that, chew on that, until you get the answer.

Regardless of the fact of them LARPING — is what they’re saying true, relevant, and helpful to my situation NOW, to achieve my goals?

Be mindful of the hype. Enjoy it like a passing wind. Once the gust clears, the sun shines, and you make a decision.

4. Empirical Study Creates Pre-Eminence & Mastery:

All the Greats tell you that they’ve done their own ‘empirical homework’. Who’s the one that’s going to fact check them?

Bencivenga says…

“Based on millions of tests… hundreds of headlines… (me adding more fluff: trillions and trillions and trillions of customers, and billions of split tests… you get the gist…


Not in an ‘asshole’ way, rather… asking: how can we verify this for ourselves?

HOW is his case built.

What’s your fucking source? (I say fucking, because it has more energy. I have more motivation to dig harder, think deeper.)

No one does this. Nobody.

My sensing is that with AI, no one is going to look into source anymore — and into the references that build up a case. A tragic loss in critical thinking, but a massive opportunity for those that want to do the homework.

That’s an opportunity to find broken promises, shitty, lazy, and inaccurate thinking… and opportunities to SIEZE marketing opportunities that have NEVER been recognized by the entire direct response canon.

And the only way to do this…

Is to say fuck it — listen to them, and figure out if it works. It’s the only path forward. But know that nothing is gospel. Gospel survives fire. Faith is to be tested. Prayers ARE to be answered.

GIVE YOUR 1000% in tests, and figure out if they are making bald-face lies… or, they’ve truly discovered an unchanging principle.

Why is this so hard to do?

We are like sheep. We want authority. We want someone to tell us the rules, so that we don’t get hurt.

It’s too much cognitive dissonance to think for yourself, and to realize the world is such a messy, and uncategorizable place, we’d cry, break down into mush… and no one would be able to move forward.

Imagine if you asked a 70-IQ child to go onto your keyboard… and create an 8-figure direct response promo.

What would happen then?

Maybe he’d make a banger. Maybe he’d break down at the pressure. Maybe he’ll just walk off, and go have a meal.

Case in point. Without an authority / language frame — we cannot function, it’s essential, to getting ‘something’ done.

Authority was created — so that you can break their rules, and figure out for yourself, what’s truth, and dogma… in your current day and age…

And that’s your unique ‘gold’.

Adveritsing gold.

Marketing gold.

Ridiculously profitable gold… north of 8 figures kind of gold…

With that kind of predictive power, put in the right/wrong hands… of the world’s most hardened weight loss pills, hard-on pills… or [insert product name here] vendor… you’d sell however or whatever you want.


So the goal for you this Q2 Zander, is to create your systems of collecting these pieces of data, qualitatively, and quantitatively

And there are only 2 people that will read your message. 1. Elite Direct Response Publishers, north of 8-figures. OR Someone That’s Intensely Curious About This Industry, but has nothing to do. OR someone that’s drawn to the raw ‘authenticity’ of this piece, and words are flying over their head…

All that matters… is that wherever these content ‘chips’ fall…

Pay attention only to one thing…

That’s creating your own Empirical Analysis System.

Put every ‘great direct response writer’ to the test.

Look for their claims. Test their claims & paradigms — design experiments, everyday, every moment… every breathing hour, every second…

And store it all somewhere, in your mind — or in an excel sheet.

Then, with this informed, cleaned up — well sorted data…

Look for trends…

Allow your intuition to sink into this data, and sense the Zietgeist.

Sense the flows of sociology, and the flows of the world…

The only person that you really need to be ‘right’ to, is one. The people buying from the ‘selling copy’ that you write. ALL the way, on the left-end of the mass market and IQ scale.

Everything else, is passing wind… feel the wind, let it blow, and let it go.

It doesn’t matter.

5. Lastly. You ought to make poeple gamble on you.

Make the process of gambling fun. Make it entertaining, make it enjoyable. Give them a show. Give them something to look forward to. They are in need of somethig to anticipate towards, hope gives energy, it gives courage, and it fosters growth…

Even if it takes bringing them into the ‘metaphorical casino’, where lights are flashing, risk is blaring… and where it seems like they’ve got the midas touch… turning everything that I present them into pure, hyper-profitable advertising gold.

Without the fear, without the resistance to buying… there is often less committment. They do not experience the resistance, they do not experience the ‘conquest’ they do not experience the ‘hardship’…

And as a result, they are spoiled.

Make them bet. Hold them accountable to their decisions. You’ll get better behaviour.

It takes courage, but it should be done. Even if it hurts in the short term. In the long term, your business will thank you for it.


Pay Attention. Stay Centred.



Zander Widjaja

VirtùGrowth: Empirical & Intellectual Direct Response