Rapture: A Perilous Journey of Self-Belief.

Zander Widjaja
Khaos Dynamics
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2023


A war torn heart. The spirit & Soul calls. Deep philosophy, waiting to be expressed, to be experienced, to be fully articulated. The thirst for success, a question of morality, life’s essence and creation at your fingertips.

This is poetry. The life that you live – all merely actors, on a grand, cosmic stage. At times you’re enveloped by your role. Sucked in deeper than you could’ve ever imagined. The eyes, your eyes, the eyes of the universe – the laser like glare in which you find yourself analyzed and scrutinized, torn apart. Is it all for show?

Does the actor – act by his own volition! Is the dancing, sobbing exuberant? What shell he keep, from his adorned table of values.

Keep a steadfast heart – remain focused on the mission, or throw all care to the wind! Live in a wanton, reckless abandon, with nothing tying you down.

Be consumed by your work – no! Let the work consume others!

The game can be played infinitely, with infinite players – now masks are created, designed, shed, burned – washed with tears of both sorry & joy.

A rapture within emerges – both prophesying, and​​ proselytizing!

Nothing is safe, no safety of mind is safe. Everything is up for grabs & down for destruction in this oh so potent and poetic world with no end.

IT is a cosmic force at work – a force that can be seen, naked, raw, unfolding, and unyielding to the keen observer, in still, strikingly reckless & unfathomable tranquil water.

To believe yourself – is to cast doubt & create a rift between you and the world. To believe in khaos, the cosmic unfolding, you slay the sheep & bring out the lunatic within you!

To believe others, is to keep a sound mind to relinquish agency, to let the world create mercy & to beg for it’s pardon & penance.

This is the rapture, that keeps the world beautifully tumbling forward, ever expanding, ever growing, ever evolving, ever to infinite, yet infinitesimal in significance.

Join the rapture – be part of the cosmic dance. Rapture, is coming for us all!



Zander Widjaja
Khaos Dynamics

VirtùGrowth: Empirical & Intellectual Direct Response