“Million-Dollar-Formula”: Create VALUE That’s ‘Computationally Infeasible’ For Artificial Intelligence To Steal;

Zander Widjaja
4 min readJun 13, 2024


“If you’re going to build something Zander, make sure that it’s so disgustingly difficult to build, yet so valuable, that everyone that tries to copy you — will simply burn, and smoulder into a ball of flames. Let the highest bidder win.”

You worry AI ‘stealing’ your job.

You worry that you’re going to become useless, irrelevant. And YOU choose to panic.

You choose to let it slide out of your control, and day by day — you lose a grip on reality, and you spiral into a world where nothing makes sense…

And each day that you buy into this narrative, and you choose to forget your internal power… your true authentic, creative life force, withers away like a flower that’s been hidden in the shadows, without sunlight and water.

People fear what they do not understand.

The reason why the idea of AI is wreaking havoc on our minds, is simple — it’s because the narrative is shifting towards an ‘ever increasing’ blackbox-ness.

Simply put.

You have no idea how it works, and you have no idea how it reasons, and somehow it’s smarter than you.

I have a sensing that this ‘premise’ is actually bullshit.

And the ‘refrain’ that I keep hearing in the media is that —


But the truth is — if you look under the hood, and take the time to actually understand how these machines reason — instead of getting railed by the hype, and accepting everything that the media is telling you,

You’ll come to realise that actually, there are certain problems which remain, ‘computationally infeasible’ for AI to steal.

A genius that only you have.

A way of seeing the world — that AI is unable to see.

A specific set of problems, evolving so fast, that the machine models can’t catch up.

A place where your mind — and your mind only can play the game, and win terribly so, every single time.

The irony of this, is that if I am right, that there exists ‘computationally infeasible’ problems to be solved by AI.

Then the only ‘thing that’ one should be doing — that you and I should be doing, is the ones that we’re exceptionally gifted in.

Places where our minds act as supercomputers — connecting dots with lines that other people can’t draw…

Hitting targets that other people can’t see…

And smashing records, that AI is too stupid to understand… or finding little ‘worlds’ where AI, has no choice but to submit to your intellect, and be placed under your tyranny.

This is the game and the world that we live in today.

The implications of this one possibly true statement are severe, but ultimately, pretty simple.

You’re in a ‘space race’ to figure out what you’re exceptional at… and now — the clock is ticking even faster, and there are no ‘takebacks’.

And you better be right.

The first time.

Before you run out of time.

The funny thing is — that most people don’t want to realise how ‘screwed’ they are, even though, in this realisation, one gains tremendous opportunity for profit.

It’s in the sober, realisation of you knowing how essentially ‘vulnerable’, ‘weak’ or even ‘puny’ that you realise the true power that’s within you, because you realise, that…

The only thing that you’ve ever had is yourself, and your own wits…

And when you act from that place — it seems that the world bends to your will.

It is in the face of tremendous pressure, fear, anxiety — and high ‘stakes’ that…

• Courage

• Discernment

• Vision

• Virtù

• Compassion

Are borne into existence as powerful keys to unlock the secrets of the universe within you.

Here’s My Vision For Creating Profit & Value Within ANY MARKET.

• Is this a valuable problem to solve, and who is the highest bidder that will pay you, if you can get it to work?

• How do you ‘know’ with 99.99999999% certainty, when you’ve solved the problem?

• Is this something that is ‘Computationally Unfeasible’ to steal? (And does it make your competitors cry, when they see how it’s done? Does it make you cry? The more painful it is to solve, the more you know you have a winner)

Answer these 3 questions with a 10/10 response and likely…

You’re in a market of one, with an upside of probably more than a million dollars in profit per year.

I’m putting my money where my mouth is — so I’ll see you at the top or burned to the ashes.

Will never know. Gotta try anyways. lol.




Zander Widjaja

VirtùGrowth: Empirical & Intellectual Direct Response