Gain Infinite Attention & Sales From Your Customers With Never Ending ‘Unsolvable Loops’.

Infinite Attention Models, Creating The Potential For Infinite Scale… With Smaller Attention ‘Infinities’.

Zander Widjaja
Khaos Dynamics


Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

When does it feel like forever?

When does it feel — like you can no longer control yourself? When you let go? When you decide that you’ve had enough? When you decide that you’re going to begin a new chapter in your life?

When you truly, know to your bones — that something must be done to solve a problem?

An irrefutable solution — an unsolvable problem…

When does it feel — like you can’t get a thought out of your mind… when the song, simply keeps on looping, over and over… a memory in your mind, that never seems to go, a memory in your mind, that’s almost burned in…

Ready to be retrieved at any time…

A memory — that keeps haunting you, or a memory, a belief — that motivates everything that you do, and how you see yourself, in your life.

The way to sell, is not to sell.

You want to occupy the mind.

2 very different concepts.

The traditional model of selling — is based on a singular ‘heightened’ experience… it is impatient, it has no bandwidth for follow up, and it’s an all of nothing game.

Either you close the deal then and there, or it’s all over…

We’re taught — that it’s all about the high ticket sale, and it’s never about anything else — it’s never about a prolonged, deliberate effort, to influence the minds of others… and to get them into ‘time warping’ loops, where they seem to be ‘enraptured’ by the same ideas, over and over again…

Why is it so hard — to allow people to ‘sell’ themselves?

It’s simple.

You simply don’t understand how to install loops, that take time to ‘mature’ and influence decision-making. Most of the influential ‘models’ that we have — are built to get retrieval, and to make a ‘big impact’ upon the moment of use.

There is no ‘setup’ — there is no time under tension, there is no focus, and there is no ‘sticking power’.

This is why most people live or die, by the sales call.

Are you starting to see it?

So it’s pretty simple, if you want to give people a recursive loop, and allow people to constantly think about you.

It’s all about understanding patterns of thought, that are ‘never ending’, and how they ‘cycle’ in another person's mind. To do this, you must understand a few things…

Why do people pay attention, and why do people forget.

People pay attention, because it’s going to affect their life. People pay attention, when their self-identity is at stake, people pay attention, when it’s painful not to.

And the pain, manifests in all sorts of ways…

Most of the time, the biggest source of pain is cognitive dissonance.

You need to present 2 very contradictory things — people call in contrast, people call it pleasure and pain… but most importantly, it must be unresolvable, persistent, and present, everywhere that they go… and you must be the first one the ‘coin’ the pain, so that they’re able to sense the energy signature — and the symbolic/etymological meaning, which comes from you.

If they no longer feel themselves…

If everything that they hold true– and they hold dear… suddenly starts to disintegrate…

If everything that they wish were true… were ‘burst’ in front of them, and in front of their eyes…

It’s going to be very hard to ignore, and it’s going to be extremely difficult to confront… This is the ‘chaos’ and the ‘dragon’ that people talk about in myth.

Most of the time, it’s simply an unresolved personal issue — that needs to be brought to light, and paid attention to.

So what are you going to anchor the pain to?

What are you going to create — how are you going to help them to gain awareness?

How are you going to plunge your reader into pure confusion… with clues along the way — to help them to gain the next level of enlightenment, and business growth?

How can you start to put this all together, and create ideas that are made to stick… and stick for generations.

This is the essence of advertising, and the essence of marketing at the highest levels.

Now, let’s look for examples of confusion in your life.

  • The way that you’re supposed to approach the creation of wealth
  • The way that you see yourself
  • Your relationships
  • Your health
  • Your self-identity
  • Your businesses identity

When there is pain– when there is confusion, when the waters are muddy, with no way forward… people start to think, and people start to seek solutions.

So let’s talk about the technical execution of this.

Start thinking about how you’re going to get people to think.

It’s about asking the right questions. It’s about bringing up the right kind of pain — it’s about bringing out the right kind of pleasure. It’s about beginning the self-reflective process for your clients. It’s about helping them to ‘sort through’ their thoughts, and to give names, directions, experiences, and emotions, and processes, and ways to swallow, digest, chew on the chaos…

Once you’ve created the ‘Khaos’ in their life that is.

So yeah.

Good luck, have fun.




Zander Widjaja
Khaos Dynamics

VirtùGrowth: Empirical & Intellectual Direct Response