Developing Asymmetric
7-Figure Business Scaling Solutions.

Zander Widjaja
Khaos Dynamics
Published in
5 min readJul 16, 2023


Credit Suisse

I’ve come from a world of pure direct response — thinking about how ‘selling’ is the only solution, how hard work, grit, and the pain of doing things — the crunchy tasks… are the only ‘ways to scale your business’.

But that’s further from the truth, than we can ever imagine.

The thing is — that marketers are not the people that are paid the most, or keep the most money as well. I would dare say that for most marketers, it’s easy come easy go.

The cashflow moves so fast — that you don’t even know when money comes into your bank account, and you’re encouraged to spend like a crazed degenerate, when you want to make more money.

Thoughtfulness is thrown out the window.

Bad debt is glorified…

And everyone is encouraged to take on as much risk, as humanly possible.

I suppose that this is the way that life works…

But as an outsider — as someone who’s reading this, and you’re looking for asymmetric plays, you can’t simply just be following the crowd…

You can’t simply be listening to the public…

You can’t simply do things, because other people are telling you to do things…

In fact, the only reason that I want you to buy from me– is only when my arguments make sense, when they hold under the light of analysis, and you’re comfortable with the risk profile that I’m providing for you.

I want smart people to work with, not dumb followers — that simply listen to status. I want you to listen to context, I want you to listen to causality. I want you to find your own ‘flywheels’ within your business… and it’s not going to come from any guru, any personality, any ‘person’ out there…

Finding your own ‘flywheel’ and finding your own angle — has to come from independent thinking… which simply means, critically analysing every part of your business, and looking at the strengths, the markets, and the conditions — in which you can respond to best.

You see — marketing, and business, is a 3 part equation.

  1. Where is the market now? What are people buying? What are the sentiments at large? And how are people coming into the game — and why are they coming into the game?
  2. What can you deliver effortlessly? What can you provide — that’s so easy for you, that you’re almost gifted, and talented with the skill — so much so, that it completely embarrasses everyone that dares to try?
  3. How are you going to do a competent job, at presenting your value? What are you going to say, show, and what kind of stories are you going to tell — to tap into the current market’s sentiments, to direct it towards your business? How can you suck as much qualified attention as possible… into your offers — because time is money, time spent is money, time under tension is money…

And in order to do this properly — you really need to be able to be the one that knows how to draw and define boundaries for yourself, and you have to have a level of self-awareness, to be able to pull this off…

But a good way to approach a business, especially if you’re doing multi-six, even 7-figures… is to do a MECE approach to looking for gaps, and opportunities in your own business.

I got this from Mckinsie’s approach, so full credit to them…

But basically, it goes…

When you’re looking for ways to scale your business, increase profitability — and find the best solution to grow to the next level… and completely dominate your industry for scale…

The only way that you’re going to be able to find that ‘needle’ in a haystack, that’s going to send you to growth… and to craft a strategy that you can stick to, for the next 3–6 months, as you lock in… and go full out on a specific business restructuring/ client acquisition strategy…

Is when you do a MECE analysis of what’s the next path for growth.

With every idea — with every agenda… with every intention that you have… every project, that you want to roll out… how are you going to completely solve and analyse the business problem…

In a way that’s mutually exclusive, and collectively exhaustive?

This means — that each ‘solution’ that you explore — is completely different from the previous solution… and you’ve completely exhausted all the possible moves that you can make — and completely ‘exhaust’ all the existing plays in the market, so that you’re able to pick that ‘winner’ and ‘needle’ in a haystack.

One strategy — one way forward, one project… one agenda… it could make you multi-five figures, and even 7 figures… it all depends on

  1. The quality of the idea, based on current market conditions, operational strength, and your ability to sell and get attention…
  2. Which determines your commitment to follow through, and see things to the end.

In a sense, in this day and age — when you’ve reached at least multi-six figures… it’s not so much about throwing shit against the wall…

You naturally have limited capital, you naturally have limited resources…

You have to have a smart way of gambling big — and having a high payoff…

And this is where the MECE framework — is the way that you can develop your own internal convictions, so that you have the guts to see projects through all the way to the end, and to pay to get the job done, because you know exactly what you’re doing, where the market is at — how you’re going to attack the market, and how you’re going to scale as well…

This is where you stop doubting yourself.

You don’t pay a coach to do this. You simply do this.

You chew on the uncertainty.

Paying someone to do it for you — is not going to give you that certainty… in fact, your dependence on formulas… is what’s holding you back.

It’s the dependence on certainty, the desire to have something that’s SOLID. Something that you know for a fact will help you… that’s killing you silently.

Because when you ignore risk…

You end up eating risk– and eating even more than you thought of….

But by instead facing risk, looking at it straight in the eye…

You know exactly how conservative, or aggressive you can be… and what you’re willing to stomach, how far you’re willing to go… and how deeply you’re going to dig your heels in, to make sure that things are seen to the very end.

This is the magic of the MECE.

Develop your thesis. Identify your gaps. And execute your strategies, with your own convictions of how the market is evolving… creating your own formulas… instead of relying on an outdated, oversimplified framework.. that’s already 2–3 years behind… because if you ever want to get ahead in business… you need to develop your own edge, your own proprietary knowledge, your own sources of innovation… or for the rest of your life… you’ll forever be living in the footsteps of someone else… ‘paying’ for knowledge… instead of getting paid for the advantage that you’ve developed on your own.

It is painful to be an independent thinker– but the profits are rewarding.

Think smart my dear readers.

I’ll see you at the top.


Khaos Dynamics.



Zander Widjaja
Khaos Dynamics

VirtùGrowth: Empirical & Intellectual Direct Response